Saturday, April 2, 2011

I love you Media 65! - Made a custom Joomla template in 45 minutes!

I cannot believe the brilliance of the Joomla Dreamweaver Extension available from Media 65. Easily write all the code you need to transform your Dreamweaver template into a Joomla template - no matter how intimidated you were to start with.
This is NOT an affiliate link.

I switched the site at in about 45 minutes - and kept the look the same. Granted it is a VERY simple layout but the concepts apply across the board.

What a feeling of freedom. This is exactly the tool I needed to truly customize my client Joomla sites. I had been playing with customizing rockettheme templates for some time but they are a bit of over killl on a simple site like Eagle Painting.
And this extension is available for Joomla 1.5 and 1.6.

1 comment:

  1. the site is down...maybe they closed up shop?
