Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Joomla Install with SSH

What a huge improvement!

I always lost files when I uploaded Joomla! via ftp then had to painstakingly determine which files were lost.
Never again.

Now I ftp the (much smaller) zip file of the full Joomla package to my main public directory.
Enable SSH through my Host control panel - a simple one click in my Security section and choose a password.

Launch Putty -

Login to the host with the SSH username and the password you set.

type the command cd public
type the command unzip (in this case)
Voila - magic - no files lost - 2 minutes from start to finish.

Go through the online install and it all worked.

Okay then I tried to delete the installation folder with ftp and realized it wasn't empty
Back to SSH
rm -Rf installation/

Who else has a time saving idea?


  1. By the way - this also eliminates the ascii upload issue!

  2. I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU!!!!!! UGH - Thank you SOO much! This has made my life SOO much easier.

  3. Hi! Thanks for the tip. I did the install but I get a problem with permissions. All files are owned by 1010. I have a virtual dedicated server from godaddy. What is the command to transfer the ownership to my regular user? Now I cant use ftp or install mods.

    Thank you in advance,

  4. Hey thanks for this!

    The server I used had no support for zip, so I used a tar.gz file instead. It extracted in about two seconds with this command: tar zxvf joomla.tar.gz
